Community Giving Campaign 2024

United Way of Beaverhead Countyconducts a signature annual fundraising campaign. A majority of donations are directed to a general fund, while some are specifically allocated by the donor to a local non-profit organization.

Local businesses, individuals, company match programs, and legacy giving contribute to the success of the annual campaign. Funds are then granted to partner organizations and agencies throughout Beaverhead County. The campaign is active from November to January annually...

A Letter from our Campaign Co-Chair

It's that exciting time of year when United Way of Beaverhead County
kicks off its annual Campaign and I am reaching out to you asking for your help.

Beaverhead County is unique. When I tell people where I’m from, their reply is often to rain praises on this area of Montana. While Dillon is the largest community in Beaverhead County and able to provide the most services, the communities of Lima, Polaris, and Wisdom each have their own distinctions which contribute to the uniqueness of the area. Dillon, as the hub, is well known for many things including Western Montana College, Barrett’s Hospital and Healthcare, a beautiful YMCA, superior schools, and a wide variety of athletic and 4-H opportunities for its youth.

Our county is also widely known for its outdoor beauty and abundance of wildlife, blue ribbon rivers, large working ranches in the Big Hole and outlying areas, a local ski hill in Polaris, plus plenty of hiking and ATV trails.

We are also known for our outstanding citizens. The people who show up for a neighbor in need, the folks called out to search for a lost hunter, or the grandparents at a flag football game.

Often these things go unnoticed or get taken for granted as we get caught up in the busyness of our everyday lives, but these are the jewels that contribute to the health of our communities and families in this little corner of a world that struggles with many uncertainties.

This is why we, at the United Way of Beaverhead County, are committed to providing the non-profit organizations of this county with the support needed to continue their essential work that can keep our communities safe, healthy, and thriving. A place we can be proud of to call home.

I am Sandi Sloan. I have been a board member of our local United Way for 4 years. This is my second year as Co-Campaign Chair, along with Kristen Conklin. We are asking for your generosity again this year as we begin our annual Campaign of gathering donations for the 40-50 non-profit organizations that have a hand in maintaining the positive difference that is Beaverhead County.

Active since 1989, our local United Way has been successful in it’s fundraising efforts and has provided continual support to a large variety of local organizations. There are five main categories that we focus on for our funding decisions:

Health: Programs directly impacting heath and healthcare of our community population.

Education: Programs providing support for a wide variety of education systems in our community.

Financial Stability Programs: Programs and Agencies dedicated to impacting the financial stability of our community.

Access to Service: This is for Grant-funded agencies who provide services to a targeted population.

Scholarships: Offering scholarships to graduating seniors of Beaverhead County High School and Lime High School who have volunteered or done community service work during their time in high school.

This year we hope to exceed our target goal of $150,000 with your support.

Communities work best when people come together to look out for each other and lift each other up. Fortunately, the communities of Beaverhead County are filled with people who have passion and are willing to volunteer their time to the many organizations and businesses that make up our communities. Organizations such as The Food Bank, Little League, Senior Citizen programs, The Wood Bank, The Alano Club, The Animal Shelter, and The Public Library.

Some of our non-profits organizations support our youth such as the Beaver Booster Club, Youth Connections, Be the Change 406, Friends of Music and Little League. Friends of Jaycee Park and The Beaverhead Trail Coalition contribute to the accessibility and beauty of our area. The various Volunteer Fire Departments, Search and Rescue, and Ski Patrol keep our citizens safe. The Women’s Resource Center, The Food Bank, 5th Judicial Voice for Children (CASA) and Early Childhood Coalition provide essential services to those in need.

These organizations and many others are the patchwork of who we are in Beaverhead County and what we stand for. I am proud to be a part of The United Way of Beaverhead County, and I’m proud to know the people behind the scenes, working hard to support these amazing organizations in the delivery of human services for others.

I humbly ask you to join myself and Kristin, along with Ashly Cottom our ED, Bonnie Harry, our President, and the entire Board of Directors in supporting not only this community but the incredible volunteers who make this work possible by donating to our local United Way Campaign. No amount is too small. Together we can create greatness.

Thank you,

Sandi Sloan

Campaign Co-Chair

United Way of Beaverhead County


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United Way of Beaverhead Countyis a qualified, 501c3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Tax ID Number 81-0465990.


610 North Montana St., Dillon MT 59725

Mailing: PO Box 263 I Dillon, MT 59725

(406) 683-4269

© 2024 United Way of Beaverhead County. All rights reserved.